
I personally believe that having strong lips can make you seem like you know what you're doing in life, or maybe that's just how I see it! The cupids bow, the pointed part on your upper lip, should be the strongest point of your lips, which means you're going to need to line your lips. I use MAC Soar lip pencil, it pretty much matches my lip color so it seems really natural. Choose a lip liner that's either very similar to your lip color or one that matches the lipstick you plan on using. Line your cupids bow, making sure to enhance the points. Then fill in with your matching lipstick. In my case it will be Brave by MAC, because it's a very similar color to the liner. However, if I was planning on wearing a red lipstick (MAC Red lipstick matched with MAC Trust in Red lip liner) then I would chose a color that matched that lipstick color, NOT a color that matches your lips. Remember not to go too far out of your natural lip line, or it will start to look like a toddler was attempting to help you with your makeup-not cute! Feel free to comment with any questions, or even email me directly, my email can be found at the bottom of the blog.

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